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Artist: Erin Bailey

Title: 'Peacock 2'
Medium: Linocut

My interest lies in the interaction of formal elements, most notably colour, texture and pattern. I enjoy the process of making work, and place equal importance on the experience of making, as well as the outcome. At the moment my primary interests are developing my practice in Linocut, and experimenting with photography.

With this Peacock I was exploring the process of 'reduction printing'. The Image itself was almost secondary to the process and, not wanting to stick to any particular colour scheme, I printed these in a range of colour and paper combinations, choosing as I went and going with my instincts. So I have 15 of these beauties, all slightly different!

 I find the unexpected imperfections and textural ink of Printmaking so intriguing yet humanist; like when you go to a gallery and look closely at a Lichtenstein and realise they’re actually no where near as neat as they appear in books. They reflect the process so clearly, and give me new ideas for future experiments!

Price: £18


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